
My Grammatical Tense

Since grade school I feel like I've had a very good time in English class - or at least good grades. In comparison to the sciences and the numbers at least it felt fairly natural to learn, and for grammar at least I had very little red ink. My spelling was good, my MLA citations were fine, my formatting was in-line, I instinctively knew when to 'a' and when to 'an'. When to 'its' and when to 'it's'. I just had one problem.

For whatever reason I just could not keep my tenses consistent. From Elementary to High School to College the thing that always marked down my paper's scores was using a past tense verb right after a present tense, or suddenly arriving in the future tense after a full paragraph of past actions.

What I should obviously do now is make a grand statement about the secret truth that arises from this. A kink that can be used as a tool to highlight and better understand in daily life the non-stable nature of time (i.e. Einstein & Newsom et al.).

But I don't think I can claim that for myself, so I'll just mention it in passing so it won't be as confusing when it inevitably happens.
