
My Worldview

(To remind myself for comfort)

❁ Understanding as a virtue ❁
- Buzzing Beehive - I am many
- [[Ecogoth]] - The Earth is covered in corpses

Epicurus pleasure in tranquility : old, wise person - Craving/Yearning [[Desire]]

[[Human Energy is Already Mystic]] - You don't need to believe in mystical energy because the way humans already get "energy" is mystic

# Physical Energy - When not seen as a horrific, unnecessary terror, eating is a spiritual ritual. Killing and taking the life of another living being so that another can sustain itself. Literally taking the life force from one and using that energy for yourself.
# Social Energy - There does not need to be an unseen force that flows between people and through the air because there already is. The human perception of surroundings is already magic. Light being transmitted through a void turning into pictures that can be interpreted as electric sparks firing in the head. Particles floating off of things can be sensed and interpreted by touching them in the nose and mouth. The literal vibrations are sensed and interpreted as one of the most mystical experiences possible with sound. And being able to pick up on each other's emotions from social ability with these senses and language is magic in and of itself and one of the most human things

❁ Nothing to fear in death - if nothing is conscious there is nothing to feel fear ❁
